2015년11월16일(월)“김미카엘 목사의 오늘의 기도(祈禱)”

2015. 11. 16. 08:55성공하는 삶

20151116()김미카엘 목사의 오늘의 기도(祈禱)”



집회 중 물대포에 쓰러진 농민의 의식이 회복되게 하소서!


A farmer was knocked unconscious

by a police water cannon in Seoul, S. Korea.

Mr Baek, who was knocked down by the police water canon

while taking part in a demonstration

 (or "an anti-government demonstration")

in Seoul, has had to undergo brain surgery

at Seoul National University hospital.

 NEWSTAPA report which took place on November 14th.


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